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The Canadian firearms safety (PAL) course: 8 hours of class time 2-4 Hours for testing. (10-11 hour day).
Our Location: The Lions Club building. 3 Tolen Drive Fort McMurray. Downtown at the bottom of Beacon Hill.
(Across from the fire hall). Parking is free.
Please note: CFSC (youth rate $125.00 Gst Inc). Prerequisites: A parent MUST be booked & taking the course at regular price. All adult & youth students MUST: Be able to fill out the forms and be able to complete the 50-question multiple choice exam with MINIMAL assistance. Students must have the required reading & writing skill level required to be able to complete this part of the program as it IS A FEDERAL GOVERNMENT REQUIREMENT that is necessary to complete & pass this course. If you have any questions please contact us by sending a message to Or;
Call or text Martha@ (780) 714 0664.
We hope to see you in class with us soon.
The Firingline team.