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The course is available to persons 18+ & have a non restricted PAL or have successfully passed the non restricted PAL course.
The average class time is 6 hours. You are then required to successfully complete a 50 question multiple choice test. You require a written test score of 80% to qualify to take the practical test. The practical test will also require a score of 80% & take each student 10-15 minutes each to complete. Please be prepared for an 8 hour day. There is a mandatory 45 day waiting period once you submit your RPAL application & The average processing time to get your RPAL is 10 weeks from the time your application is sent.
Youth students who successfully complete the non restricted course with a parent or guardian can sit in on the Restricted class with a parent as a "safety session" Youth members will still need to take the class/test to apply for an RPAL when they turn 18.